Category Archives: Episodes

#127 – The War On Gratitude

Nick and James look through a guinea pig darkly, while doing their first proper live recording.

Show notes:
“The sex acts being officially banned from UK porn” by Joe Vesey-Byrne – link
“Nomad” by Alan Partridge – Amazon
JG Ballard – Wikipedia
“The Catcher In The Rye” by J.D. Salinger – Wikipedia

#126 – To Every Season Turn

Our first show in ages. We don’t talk about any of James’ stuff, but we do talk about entropy, and using Dan Harmon as a barometer for how to live your life.

Nick is way out of practice and asleep at the wheel, so we’ll be back to full shownotes next time!

#125 – Special Episode: Recorded at Twittercomic2016 – Another Conversation About Mental Health Treatment

In this very special episode, recorded on the 15th October, 2016 at the Twittercomic2016 event, James talks to Timothy Swann, Beth and George Beedham and David Wynne about mental health and the NHS.

Some zany stuff is going on with the audio in this episode; I think it’s fair to say that it is totally borkaborked like the Swedish Chef. There’s a lot of weird echoing that I’ve no idea where it came from and it comes and goes, I promise. But the conversation feels vital enough that it’s worth sharing and listening to, at least until we get the chance to have it again with everyone.

If you want to know more about Twittercomic2016, you can go to the fundraising page here. You can also donate to Mind while you’re there – we reached our target on the day, but everything helps!

Timothy Swann is @tetrarchangel on Twitter.
George Beedham is @geebie on Twitter.
Beth Beedham is @wellybootbride on Twitter.
Michael Georgiou is @mikedraws on Twitter.
And David Wynne is @davidwynne on Twitter also.

#124 – Special Episode: Recorded at Twittercomic2016 – A Conversation About Mental Health Treatment

In this very special episode, recorded on the 15th October, 2016 at the Twittercomic2016 event, James talks to Beth and George Beedham about their personal experiences with mental illness and mental healthcare.

This was recorded in a busy house during an event, so the sound quality is variable, but it’s a great conversation.

If you want to know more about Twittercomic2016, you can go to the fundraising page here. You can also donate to Mind while you’re there – we reached our target on the day, but everything helps!

You can find George Beedham on Twitter and at his website,
You can find Beth Beedham on Twitter and on her blog “White Lace and Welly Boots“. The Priory Flower Company site is here!

#122 – Not Now, Nutbrown

Nick goes on an ill-conceived adventure in children’s books and reading.

You can support this nonsense at

Buy “Not Now, Bernard” by David Mckee here.
Buy “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney & Anita Jeram here.

Extra music from Incompetech:
“Come Play With Me” by Kevin MacLeod available here.
“Fairytale Waltz” by Kevin MacLeod available here.
Both are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

#121 – A Couple Of Braying Manbabies

Alternate name: Resident Willy Expert

James wants to build a computer, and Nick suddenly finds himself thinking about HR Giger for the weirdest reasons.

To support this stuff, go to
To sponsor the upcoming 24 hour comic and donate to Mind, go to

Show notes:

Friday Night Dinner – imdb
Mark Heap – imdb
Friday Night Dinner (Season 1) – Martin’s Best Moments:

Friday Night Dinner (Season 1) – Neighbour Jim’s Best Moments:

Spaced – What Kind Of Things DO You Do?:

Norman Collier – Wikipedia

“I’m A Storyteller, and my stories must be told”:

“Pugwash!” at Snopes – link

Previously Recorded – Jack’s Heart Pounding PC Build:

Ozzy Man reviews – YouTube