#116 – Stacey’s Pop Culture Parlour Live 2 Preshow and After-Party


Alternate titles: Jimmy Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine / Harmon Piss Nappy / The Spirit Of The Escalator / It’s Time For Our Party Trick

James and Nick guest star on the amazing Stacey’s amazing Stacey’s Pop Culture Parlour Live 2, a 24 hour podcast for charity. This is what happened before and after it.

Stacey’s Pop Culture Parlour Live 2 – link
Stacey’s Pop Culture Parlour #3: Man Crush – link
Stacey’s Pop Culture Parlour #48: They Call Me Dr Fizz – link
SPCP Live Part 9: Nick & Leigh (Definitely Not Safe For Work) – link

Alzheimers Society – link
Just Giving page – link
Leigh Gallagher, The Most Handsome Man In Comics – link
Kelly Thompson – Twitter
“The Room” – IMDB / trailer
“Space Cop” – IMDB

George Costanza:

George Costanza Timeless Art Of Seduction

George Costanza Timeless Art Of Seduction

“Muse-Sick and Hour Mess Age” by Public Enemy – Amazon
Peter Sutcliffe – Wikipedia

“Frontier Psychiatrist” by The Avalanches:

“Wildflower” by The Avalanches – Amazon
Chuck Tingle – Amazon
William Burroughs: Volmer’s Death – Wikipedia

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