#75 – Unchained From A Lunatic

From an impromptu recording studio in a big echoey box high above the earth, Nick worries about holding a baby, and James holds it all together remarkably well, despite bringing up Russell Brand.

Things that may help with this episode:
Community – IMDB / Amazon
George Melly – Wikipedia
“David Cameron rap” by Cassetteboy – YouTube
Charlie Brooker’s 2014 Wipe – YouTube
Russell Brand – Wikipedia

Russell Brand

Russell Brand

Charlie Brooker – Wikipedia

Charlie Brooker

Charlie Brooker

Jake Thackray – Wikipedia / Amazon

I mean, I’d never heard of him before, but this looks beautiful:

Professor Jack Darcy – Twitter / YouTube

Bad News – Wikipedia / YouTube
This Is Spinal Tap – Wikipedia / Amazon
“At Least I Was Here” by – YouTube / Amazon

Really love this song:

Breaking Bad S02E06: “Peekaboo” – IMDB / YouTube
The L Word – Wikipedia / IMDB / Amazon

Actually, YouTube really loves Shane off The L Word:

Justified – IMDB / Amazon

Raylan Givens and Boyd Crowder talk good (spoilers for early seasons):

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