#21: Peer Pressure Is A Force For Good


Nick and James talk Disney, crying and intolerance.

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In This Episode…
Freemasons – Wikipedia
Rotary Club – Wikipedia
Sinn Féin – Wikipedia
IRA – Wikipedia
UKIP – Wikipedia
EDL – Wikipedia
National Front – Wikipedia
BNP – Wikipedia

Tommy Robinson – Wikipedia
Dave Prowse – Wikipedia / IMDB
Pete Mayhew – Wikipedia / Twitter
Carrie Fisher – Wikipedia / Twitter
George Lucas – IMDB / Amazon
Ben Burtt – IMDB
Phil Collins – IMDB / Amazon
Bo Diddley – Wikipedia / Amazon
Ernie Wise – Wikipedia

Heroic Dogs:
Bolt – IMDB / Amazon
Laika – Wikipedia
“Laika” by Nick Abadzis – Amazon

TV & Movies:
The Green Cross Code Man – Wikipedia / YouTube
Weekly Wipe – IMDB
Tangled – IMDB / Amazon
Tarzan – IMDB / Amazon
Emperor’s New Groove – IMDB / Amazon
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? – IMDB / Amazon
Atlantis: The Lost Empire – IMDB / Amazon
Man Of Steel – IMDB / Amazon
Amazing Spider-Man – IMDB / Amazon

Pink Floyd – Wikipedia / Amazon
“Invisible Touch” by Genesis – Wikipedia / Amazon
The Levellers – Wikipedia / Amazon
“Misplaced Childhood” by Marillion – Wikipedia / Amazon

Video Games:
ZX Spectrum – Wikipedia
Atari 2600 – Wikipedia
Peggle – Popcap site
Zuma’s Revenge – Popcap site

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